Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The First Blog

Wow, my first blog. I admit I am usually on top of things when it comes to tech, and though I have had full knowledge of what a blog is for the longest time, I have turned the other cheek. The whole thing seemed silly to me. I mean who cares what I am thinking.

Well, I had a revelation the other day while I was bouncing between Leo Laporte and Chris Pirillo podcasts on my Zune. (Whole 'nother blog about the Zune coming, more specifically the *expletive deleted* software to load it.) Some people might care. I would like to emphasize the word might, because there is so much in the universe, so why me.

Now "why me" is awfully dangerous, and I used it in that "Dark-side of the Force" way only briefly once. I mean the, "why is this happening to me," sense. Within a minute I realized how unproductive it was and realized that you need to pick yourself up, and be a grown-up, and place blame where sometimes it ultimately lies. Sometimes you are in the mall at the RadioShack, because you drove yourself there, and you KNOW you shouldn't be spending any money.

Anyways, I ask why me in a different way. A much more positive way and came up with a few answers. (Yes, I talk to myself, I think everyone does, I'm just man enough to admit it!)

First and foremost I am separated from my family and many true friends. It was a series of hard choices that although I may have asked people their opinions, were decisions I made none the less. I love them all, these were just choices I had to make for myself, and I miss them greatly. For my family, if they are so inclined and they have the time, they are offered a portal into some of the inner-workings of myself.

Though I must add the disclaimer that I do not expect all of my family and friends to read these musings. I am not going to be offended if they don't. Far, far from the truth. I'd like to add another Disclaimer to my friend with the English major; I am not an English major, and my grammar is by far impeccable. Also its the Web, so please excuse net-slang.

I understand that people are busy and that the blog is nothing more than an open electronic diary. One, I am awfully long winded, as you can tell, and two, it might not be someone's cup of tea. When I was very young I remember my dad telling me, "it takes different strokes, for different folks."

Other answers to the question, "why me," lead me to some sort of meditation and psychological benefits. I have taken up meditation from the Meditation Society of Australia, and found the benefits to be manifold, and it leads me to more prayer, but that's another blog. Like a journal, or diary, it's just nice to get things off your chest.

Lastly, heck, maybe someone floats along and they find comedy, insight, or I'll go out on a limb...wisdom. Maybe my ramblings will help someone reflect, or maybe just entertain. Maybe this won't be read at all, but it is the net, and at least I have said my peace.

-Danny Lee


Barbara Kuzma said...

I am a blogee and a Danny Lee fan ... and will check in often! Nice to read your musings and the ramblings of a Blues Man ... and you are an amazing writer! Hugs and love for you and Mary ...

XO XO Aunt B in MN

Barbara Kuzma said...

Count me in as a bloggee and "Danny Lee W" fan ... nice to read your musings and the ramblings of a Blues Man ... I will check in often!

Hope to see you soon ... how about a stop in Eagan as you travel this summer?

Hugs for you and Mary ... XO XO